It is Finished

We have pressed on since Christmas 🌟 and today we reach the 'end' of the Twelve Days 🙌🏻 but I hope you realise it doesn't have to be. For the events of Christmas is far more outreaching. For the same way we say 'all roads leads to Rome'🗿, the same can be said that all History 📚 led to Christmas, led to Christ ✝️ for History is His-story 📖 and His mission to answering our call of 'SOS' 📞 before we even ask 🗣️ it. For where our Marvel Superheroes respond to dangers that we see, Jesus 🛡️ responds to dangers that we cannot see.....or at least with our natural eyes 👀

Every New Year 🎉 that passes, we tell ourselves that we have 'advanced' 👨‍🎓 but in reality, we only repeat 🔄 the past 🏛️ or the past 🏛️ is repeated on us. For there is always war and conflict ⚔️, always slavery and oppression 😈, discrimination and persecution 🏹 sickness and pandemic 🤧 and so if we are being real, academics 📚 and technology 🖥️ aside, have we really 'advanced' as we say?

It is, as the Bible says 📖 'nothing new under the sun' (Ecc 1:9) 🤷‍♂️

The last census had people celebrate 🎉 that Christianity was no longer the majority, forgetting the campaign that took place before, calling people to be honest and only to declare if you truly are a believer. I imagine the same could be said in Israel before they were conquered and exiled to Babylon, where the true believers were few but God assured them by the Prophet Jeremiah that He would rescue and restore them (Jer 30:10) and that He did 👍

It was during this time in exile that God raised Daniel in the Babylonian Court and became the 'CEO' of all the wise men throughout the Babylonian Empire (Dan 2:48). These consisted of 'magicians 🔮 astrologers 🔭 sorcerers 🧙 and Chaldeans' (Dan 2:2) in reliance to their faith in their sciences and their gods, for the Chaldeans were the dominant ethnic group of the Babylonians. However none could explain the dream (Dan 2) or rather the vision of the future 🚀 that God gave to 👑 King Nebuchadnezzar of the 'Golden Age' of Babylon rule that would be toppled by the inferior rule of the 'silver' Medo-Persian Empire, followed by the 'brass' Grecien Empire led by Alexander the Great and the 'legs of iron' of Rome which dominated Israel at the time of Christ ✝️

Successful as the Empire was, Babylon looked to science and their gods for answers. After the exile, the Jews looked to God awaiting the arrival of Messiah/Christ who would deliver them. While we in the West would look to God, then we introduced science 🔭 as Babylon did, then the 'educated' would put science vs God until nowadays where we refuse God ❌ and even question 🤔 science as to whether it can be trusted - particularly during this COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, we look aimlessly for answers and don't know who to trust 😵 or what to believe 😬 so it's no wonder people are lost.....

This is why Jesus came to save them who are lost (Lk 19:10) so we need not look aimlessly anymore. He done all the leg 🦶 work when He came at Christmas 🌟 and died at Easter ✝️ so we need only to come to Him.....for it is why He said at the end "It is finished" (Jhn 19:30) which in Hebrew translates "tetelestai" and is used in three ways; (1) the first was what the priests declared when the sacrificial lamb 🐑 (bearing the sin of the people) was killed in their place and so Christ ✝️ declared Himself the final and ultimate sacrifice; (2) the second was expressed after an employee or artist finished their work and without a doubt, Christ (God in flesh) would see His work 'good' as He did in the beginning (Gen 1); and (3) was what was engraved on stamps when debts were paid in full. 

All of this ☝️ was achieved because of the events that we remember as Christmas 🌟 and to fulfil all the promises He had made up until this point, it is a guarantee 👌 that  His future promises will also be fulfilled. For if someone has a good record in finance 💰as Martin Lewis or someone knowing which horse 🐴 to bet on, or simply being someone you know who always tells the truth - we are inclined to listen 👂

For all of this ☝️ was only possible because of His death ✝️ who would have avoided it if there was another way (Lk 22:42) but there was not. He did not even fear death as Pilate arrogantly presented himself as he who had the power of life and death in His hands (Jhn 19:10-11), but Jesus corrected him that he only had that power because of God. It was at this point he wanted to release Him if not for the blackmail that followed (Jhn 19:12) which is a complete contrast to 👑 Herod who was threatened by another King (Mt 2). Had Herod asked as Pilate asked (Jhn 18:36), he would have realised He had no plans to power grab what was on Earth 🌎 which Satan 😈 even attempted to grant Him (Lk 4:5-7)

However, He did not deny that He was to be a King (Jhn 18:37). The time ⌚ was not yet, for the 'legs of iron' from 👑 Nebuchadnezzar's dream had not yet ended, for the time of mixed World Government was yet to be realised (Dan 2:41-43) and only after shall God setup His Kingdom (Dan 2:44) in order to keep His promise 👌 to 'make a full end of all nations' (Jer 30:11) so that His people - Israel 🇮🇱 can live in peace + the entire world 🌎 as the prophecied 'Prince of Peace' (Isa 9:6) symbolised by a 🕊️ on this National Bird Day and also at His Baptism (Mt 3:16-17)

The Wise men no doubt was aware of this during Daniel's tenure, learning about Jewish Prophecy and responding to the 🌟 as they asked for 'the King of the Jews'. Presenting to Him gold in honor of His later Kingship for when the time ⌚ would come....the time that the angel 👼 told Mary "[that] the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne 👑 of His father David" (which we established in His 🌲 lineage a few days ago) "and He shall reign over the House of Jacob for ever; and of His Kingdom, there shall be no end" (Lk 1:32-33)

--> It is why we sing in the carole "Joy 🎉 to the World 🌍 the Lord ✝️ has come 🌟, let Earth 🌍 receive her King 👑" that gives us the cause to celebrate 🎊

As I conclude this final message with thanks 🙌🏻 to the Lord ✝️ for helping me with this. I pray 🙏🏻 that this has helped to edify but moreso to realise that you are loved ❤️ and for those on the fence, food for thought 🤔 when it comes to what Christmas is about, that you don't have to 'wish' it was Christmas everyday, simply 'let it be' Christmas everyday. Should love stop because Christmas has stopped?

Love to you all 💕


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